Sonntag, 28. Februar 2010


Doğu Türkistan Sürgün Hükümeti Başbakanı İsmail Cengiz, T.C. Devlet Bakanlığı tarafından İstanbul Cevahir Otel Kongre Merkezi’nde düzenlenen Dış Türkler ve Akraba Toplulukları Toplantısı’na katıldı.

Türkistan kuruluşlarını temsilen devlet “A” protokolünde ağırlanan İsmail CENGİZ, Türkiye Başbakanı Sayın Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’ın hemen yakınında yer aldı.

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’ın konuşmasının ardından DTSH Başbakanı İsmail Cengiz, Doğu Türkistan Milli Merkezi Genel Sekreterliği sıfatıyla Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanı Sayın Prof. Dr. Ahmet Davutoğlu ile 8 dakika baş başa görüşmede bulundu.

Devlet Bakanları Faruk Çelik ve Egemen Bağış ile de görüşen İsmail Cengiz, Türk-Çin ilişkileriyle ilgili kanaatlerini yetkililerle paylaştılar.

Kosova Cumhuriyeti Devlet Bakanı, Makedonya Cumhuriyeti Devlet Bakanı, KKTC Dışişleri Bakanı, Sırbistan Devlet Bakanı ve Ukrayna Hükümeti Kırım Milli Meclisi Başkanı Mustafa Cemiloğlu ile IRCICA Başkanı Sayın Halit Eren ile bir arada yer alan İsmail Cengiz, önümüzdeki günlerde Doğu Türkistan sorunu ile hazırlanan ülke raporunu ilgili uluslar arası kurum ve kuruluşlarla paylaşacaklarını söyledi.


Doğu Türkistan Sürgün Hükümeti Kültür ve Propaganda Bakanligı


Freitag, 26. Februar 2010

Claims UN ignored Uyghur deportation warnings

By Conor Duffy - exclusive

The 20 Uighurs were taken to this safe house on December 17, 2009. Two days later they were deported at gunpoint to China. (ABC News)
There are claims the United Nations' refugee agency (UNHCR) ignored repeated warnings about the imminent forced deportation of 20 Uighur asylum seekers from Cambodia to China last year.

The Cambodian government was condemned around the world when it deported the asylum seekers at gunpoint in December.

Two Australian women - joint Nobel Peace Prize winner Sister Denise Coghlan and Taya Hunt, a legal officer with the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) - represented the Uighurs for six months prior to their deportation.

The pair have spoken exclusively to AM.

Ms Hunt provided legal and humanitarian support to the Uighurs and is one of the few people to have close contact with them.

"[They were] very grateful for the assistance we were providing them and generally just a nice, calm group of people," she said.

"There was a pregnant woman in the group and her beautiful two children."

Ms Hunt says the first Uighur arrived in Cambodia in June and the rest in October.

She says the Uighurs began to feel unsafe and concerned they would be returned to China.

Under arrangements in Cambodia at the time, refugee status determinations were handled jointly by the UNHCR and the Cambodian government.

Ms Hunt says repeated warnings were given to the UNHCR that the Uighurs felt uneasy about their applications being processed by Cambodia.

"We were becoming increasingly concerned, as the Uighurs themselves were becoming increasingly concerned, and expressed that concern on almost a daily basis to the UNHCR," she said.

AM has information that the JRS communicated at least five warnings to the UNHCR.

An excerpt of a letter sent to the UNHCR from JRS on December 10 reads: "JRS's principal concern is that one or more of these applicants may be forcibly removed from Cambodia to China with an outstanding application for refugee status.

"Informing this concern is, firstly, the fact that Cambodia has historically provided uneven protection for registered asylum seekers; secondly, incidents this year which indicate that the Cambodian Government Refugee Office may not be able to objectively consider cases from China; and thirdly, Chinese-Cambodian political relations."

Ms Hunt says the warnings were ignored, and on December 17 the Uighur asylum seekers were moved to a jointly run UNHCR/Cambodian government safe house.

On December 19 the asylum seekers were moved at gunpoint, and a day later they were flown to China.

Ms Hunt says the JRS advised the UNHCR against moving the men to the safe house.

"Given that the vice-president was scheduled to visit Cambodia the weekend of the deportation or the weekend they were moved to the safe house, I think given the context and also that we had been advising the UN that the Uighurs felt unsafe, that they felt they were being watched, it was a serious error of judgment on the part of UNHCR," she said.

'Lambs to slaughter'

Sister Coghlan, who heads the JRS in Cambodia, says she was also against the move to the safe house.

"Because both the UNHCR and the government had told the people it was a safe house or had guaranteed it would be safe for them, it was like leading lambs to the slaughter," she said.

UNHCR spokeswoman Kitty McKinsey says the refugee agency believed the Cambodian government was acting in good faith.

"We were doing everything we could to support Cambodia," she said.

"But the essence is that it's the responsibility of states to provide protection, and we don't start with an assumption that countries can't fairly handle cases from one country or another."

Ms McKinsey declined to comment on whether the warnings from the JRS were taken seriously.

"It was Cambodia's responsibility to protect these people, but during this transitional phase we were working with Cambodia to help them and the point is that Cambodia did not complete the process," she said.

Ms Hunt, though, is also critical of the time it took for the asylum seekers to have their claims processed.

"We submitted in October that the applicant was at risk and accordingly that the UNHCR should hand down a decision on his case as quickly as possible," she said.

"It is very, very unfortunate that the UNHCR delayed handing down a decision on his case."

Full control

Ms McKinsey is adamant the blame for the deportations lies with Cambodia.

She says Cambodia had been gradually taking control of asylum applications and took full control two days before the deportations.

"We tried very hard to stop the deportation to China because we knew the dangers they could face," she said.

"We even had staff at Phnom Penh airport to physically try and stop the deportation, but unfortunately they left through the military airport which we didn't have access to."

Sister Coghlan believes there should be a thorough review of the way the claims were handled.

"These people were taken at gunpoint from the safe house and taken to a place belonging to the ministry of interior," she said.

"The next night they were deported to China on a VIP jet. One would have to say the joint processing of the Uighur cases was a complete catastrophe and a tragedy."

Cambodia now has complete responsibility for processing asylum claims and the JRS believes asylum seekers arriving from countries such as Burma, which has friendly ties with Cambodia, are also at risk.

'Abhorrent decision'

The Member for Melbourne Ports Michael Danby has criticised the decision of the Cambodian Government to extradite the Uighurs to China.

The decision has been criticised by MPs and senators in Canada and Italy.

Mr Danby says the decision shows a disgraceful disregard for the welfare of the 20 Uighurs.

"The extradition of 20 Uighurs to China, which will likely end with their execution, is anything but humane,' Mr Danby said.

"The political, cultural and social suffering of the Uighur are further entrenched when countries do nothing to protect their human rights. I condemn this abhorrent decision."

Tags: world-politics, unrest-conflict-and-war, refugees, australia, cambodia, china

First posted Fri Feb 26, 2010 8:45am AEDT

Montag, 22. Februar 2010

DoğuTürkistan Cumhuriyeti Sürgündeki hükümet paaliyetleri‏

1. DTSH (Doğu Türkistan Sürgün Hükümeti) Başbakanı İsmail CENGİZ 22 Şubat 2010 Pazartesi günü konferans vermek üzere Kocaeli'ye gitti.

Kocaeli Üniversitersi Öğrenci Kulübü tarafından düzenlenen Doğu Türkistan'ın Problemleri konulu toplantıda; Doğu Türkistan Göçmenler Derneği Başkanı Yakup Can ile Avrasya Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu Başkanı Doç. Dr. Fethi Ahmet Yüksel de birer konuşma yapacaklar.

DTSH Başbakanı Cengiz, toplantı sonrası Kocaeli basınını ziyaret ederek, Doğu Türkistan'ın sorunlarını kamuoyu ile paylaşacaklar.

2. DTSH Başbakanı İsmail Cengiz, 18 Şubat 2010 Perşembe günü Bursa Büyükşehir Belediyesi'nin davetlisi olarak Bahçesaray ile Bursa'nın kardeş kent anlaşması dolayısıyla düzenlenen imza törenine katılmak üzere Bursa'ya gitti.

Devlet Bakanı Faruk Çelik, Kırım Parlamentosu Milli Meclis Başkanı Mustafa Cemiloğlu, Bursa Valisi, Bahçesaray Valisi ve Belediye Başkanı, Bursa Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanı Recep Altepe, Milletvekilleri ve üst düzey bürokratların hazır bulunduğu yemekli toplantıda, DTSH Başbakanı, Kırım lideri Cemiloğlu ile bir görüşme yaptı.

3. Sultan Abdulhamit'in ölümünün 92 nci yılı münasebetiyle İstanbul Malta Köşkü'nde düzenlenen özel yemekli toplantıda DTSH Başbakanı İsmail Cengiz bir konuşma yaparak, Osmanlı Sultanı Abdulhamid'e, torunu Şehzade Abdulkerim Efendi'ye Doğu Türkistan halkının minnet ve şükranlarını ifade etti. Hayatta kalan son şehzadelerden Harun Osmanoğlu beyefendiye minnet ve şükran duyglarının ifadesi olarak Doğu Türkistan Sürgün Hükümeti'nin devlet şeref madalyası vermek üzere bir tören düzenleyeceğini açıklaması, davetlierin takdirine sebep oldu.

Yemekli toplantıda DTSH Başbakan Yardımcısı Hızırbek Gayretullah ile Doğu Türkistan Vakfı Gen. Sek. Hamit Göktürk de hazır bulundu.

D.T.S.H Kültür we Propaganda Bakanligi


Freitag, 19. Februar 2010

Uyghur Leader Dead at 85

Gen. Mehmet Riza Bekin Pasha was renowned as an advocate for the Uyghur people.


General Mehmet Riza Bekin Pasha's body is carried to its burial site by a military guard in Ankara, Feb. 18, 2010.

ISTANBUL, Turkey—Gen. Mehmet Riza Bekin Pasha, an outspoken advocate for ethnic Uyghurs living under Chinese rule, died in the Turkish capital Ankara this week at the age of 85, after a six-month treatment for lung disease at the Gulhane Military Medical Academy here.

Active in Uyghur politics and education, he also staged Uyghur-related human rights events in Turkey and founded the nonprofit East Turkestan National Freedom Center, which supported Uyghur students in Turkey and around the world.

Rebiya Kadeer, president of the World Uyghur Congress, described him as a forceful leader.

“I am so sad to lose my friend—one of strong alliance to our Uyghur cause. He is a history-maker who brought glory to the Uyghur people and who respectfully dedicated his whole life to their freedom,” Kadeer said.

“He continuously promoted the education of Uyghur youths and tirelessly supported Uyghur refugees in Turkey."

Former Chairman of the World Uyghur Congress Erkin Alptekin flew to Ankara from Germany to attend Pasha’s funeral.

Full honors

“He took on duties as head of the East Turkestan Foundation in Istanbul when Uyghurs were having a most difficult time and worked very hard to raise funds in support of the education of Uyghur youth,” Erkin Alptekin said.

“We will remember him as symbol of unity and cooperation, and as a dedicated educator.”

The general was buried with military honors at a funeral service in the afternoon of Feb. 18 at the Kocatepe Mosque in the Karshi Yaka district of Ankara.

An estimated 1,500 people attended Pasha’s funeral, including members of the Turkish Parliament and the deputy military commander of the Turkish army.

Mehmet Riza Bekin Pasha is survived by his wife and two children.

Soldier and humanitarian

Mehmet Riza Bekin Pasha speaks at a conference in Turkey, June 2008. Pasha was born in 1925 in the East Turkestan prefecture of Khotan, in what is now China’s northwestern Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR).

At age nine, he moved with his family to Afghanistan and four years later was sent to study at the Maltepe Military High School in Turkey.

He continued his studies at the Land Warfare School in Turkey in 1946 and joined the Turkish army upon his graduation in 1948 from artillery school.

During the Korean War, Pasha led the First Turkish Brigade Field Artillery Battalion as a ranking lieutenant.

Pasha served as assistant military attaché in Tehran, Iran, and in 1977 retired with the rank of brigadier-general.

After retiring from the military, he announced that he had "done my duty as soldier for the Republic of Turkey” and would spend his remaining days contributing to the Uyghur community through humanitarian work.

Pasha was elected president of the Istanbul-based Foundation for East Turkestan in 1986.

From 1989-90, he served as a specialist for the Turkish prime minister in charge of a United Nations humanitarian aid program to Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Pasha was also an organizer of the first East Turkestan Congress, in Istanbul in 1992, and founded the East Turkestan Cultural Solidarity Association in 1994. He also founded the East Turkestan National Freedom Center in 1998. He was also the first Uyghur general in the Turkic world to serve under NATO.

Oppression under Chinese rule

Uyghurs, a distinct and mostly Muslim ethnic group indigenous to Xinjiang and scattered through Central Asia and Turkey, have long complained of religious, political, and cultural oppression under Chinese rule, and tensions have simmered there for years.

Uyghurs declared a short-lived East Turkestan Republic in Xinjiang in the late 1930s and 40s but have been ruled by Beijing, which many bitterly oppose, since 1949.

Beijing blames Uyghur separatists for sporadic bombings and other violence in the Xinjiang region.

But international rights groups have accused Beijing of using the U.S. “war on terror” as a pretext to crack down on nonviolent supporters of Uyghur independence.

After deadly ethnic riots killed nearly 200 people in the regional capital of Urumqi last July, authorities announced a continuing security crackdown on supporters of independence for the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and its Uyghur population.

The ethnic violence began July 5 after police suppressed a peaceful demonstration of Uyghurs and left at least 197 mostly Han Chinese residents dead, according to official media.

Exiled Uyghurs have accused Chinese police of firing on unarmed demonstrators who were calling for government action following attacks on Uyghur migrant workers at a factory in southern China.

At least 26 people have since been sentenced to death in connection with the violence, which prompted a regionwide shutdown of Internet and international phone services, with at least 700 people detained by the authorities.

Original reporting by Erkin Tarim and Maidinayi Bawudun for RFA’s Uyghur service. Uyghur service director: Dolkun Kamberi. Translated by Dolkun Kamberi. Written for the Web in English by Joshua Lipes.
Copyright © 1998-2010 Radio Free Asia. All rights reserved.

Mittwoch, 17. Februar 2010

Sherqitürkistan Milliy Herkitining Asasliq Rehberlirining Biri Mehmet Rizabékin Wapatigha Chongqur Qayghurimiz

Sherqitürkistan milliy herkitining asasliq rehberlirining biri, Sherqiy Türkistan Milli Merkizining qurghuchisi, Sherqiy Türkistan Hemkarliq Jem'iytining qurghuchisi Mehmet Rizabékin janapliri Enqerediki Gulxane Herbiy Doxturxanisida 6 aydin biri dawaliniwatqan idi. Epsus dawalash ünüm bermey 2010-yili 2- ayning 17 ‏- küni Türkiye waqti kech sa'et 8 din 35 minut ötkende wapat boldi.

Sherqitürkistan milliy herkitining asasliq rehberlirining biri, herbiy qomandan Mehmet Rizabékin janapliri 1925 ‏- yili Hotende tughulghan bolup, 9 yéshida a'ilisi bilen Afghanistan'gha hijret qilghan, arqidin Türkiyige kélip olturaqliship qalghan. Sherqitürkistan milliy herkitining asasliq rehberlirining biri, herbiy qomandan Mehmet Rizabékin janapliri 1944 ‏- yili Türkiyediki Maltepe Herbi Mektepte oqughan, 1946 ‏- yili Türkiyediki yene bir dangliq herby mektepke qobul qilinghan, 1948 ‏- yili herbiy mektepni püttürüp Türkiye armiyiside xizmet qilghan.Uning Türkiye Armiyeside xizmet qilip, yoquri derijilik qomandanlar qataridin orun élishining özi millitimizni pexirlendüridighan zor ishlarning biri bolghanidi.

Sherqitürkistan milliy herkitining asasliq rehberlirining biri, herbiy qomandan Mehmet Rizabékin janapliri Türkiye Armiyeside wezipe ötewatqan mezgilde, Xitaygha qarshi partilighan Koriye urushida top ‏- zembirek qisimlirigha qumandanliq qilghan we urushtin kéyin ghaziliq médal alghan. Merhum rehbirimiz Mehmet Rizabékin janapliri 1965-yili Qoruqluq Armiye Akadémiysini püttürup Türkiye merkizi qumandanliq bash shitabida istixbarat idarisining shöbe mudiri bolup xizmet qilghan.

Sherqitürkistan milliy herkitining asasliq rehberlirining biri, herbiy qomandan Mehmet Rizabékin janapliri yene Türkiye Jumhuriyitining yene bashqa muhim saheliride her xil wezipilerni ötigen. Merhum Mehmet Rizabékin janapliri 1977-yili Tughgéniral unwani bilen dem élishqa chiqqan. Kéyin bir mezgil Türkiyning Téhrandiki alahiyde wezipidiki herbiy wekili bolup xizmet qilghan.

Sherqitürkistan milliy herkitining asasliq rehberlirining biri, herbiy qomandan Mehmet Rizabékin janapliri 1989- we 1999 - yillarda BDT ning afghanistan'gha insaniy yardem pirogrammisi jeriyanida Pakistanda qurulghan mina tazilashni ügitish merkizide wezipe ötigen.

Sherqitürkistan milliy herkitining asasliq rehberlirining biri, herbiy qomandan, Sherqitürkistan wexpining re'isi Mehmet Rizabékin janablirining Türkiyede wapat bolghanliqini anglap intayin qayghurduq.Merhum bu yil 85 yashqa kirgen bolup, uning 85 yilliq hayati wetenning azat we qarangghuluq yillirigha shahit bolghan, weten-we milletning erkinliki we hürriyiti üchün küresh ichide ötken hayat bolghanidi.

Sherqitürkistan milliy herkitining asasliq rehberlirining biri, Mehmet Rizabékin janaplirining wapat bolghanliqi milliy dawayimizda éghir boshluq peyda qildi. Möhtirem Mehmet Rizabékin janapliri milliy pishwalirimizdin Memetimin Bughra, Eysa Aliptékin qatarliqlargha yéqindin hemkarliship, milliy dawayimizning Gherpke, jümlidin Türkiye we Islam dunyasigha anglinishigha zor töhpilerni qoshqanidi, ularning milliy istiqlalimiz yolida körsetken barliq tirishchanliqliri we qolgha keltürgen netijillirini xelqimiz menggü untmaydu.

Sherqitürkistan milliy herkitining asasliq rehberlirining biri, herbiy qomandan Mehmet Rizabékin janapliri, muhajirettiki milliy herkitimizde muhim rol alghan shexislirimizning biri bolup, u herqaysi yoquri derijilik teshkilatlarda asasliq wezipilerni alghandin bashqa 1986 ‏- yili qurulghan Sherqiy Türkistan Wexpining re'isi bolup saylandi we Sherqiy Türkistan mesilisini Dunya jama'itige anglitish yolida xizmet pa'aliyetler élip bardi. Allah merhumning gunahlirini meghpiret qilghay, yatqan yérini jennette qilghay.

Biz Sherqiy Türkistan Jumhuriyiti Sürgündiki Hökümet bolush salayitimiz bilen uning siyasiy küreshlirige ijabiy we yoquri baha berimiz, shundaqla merhumning Aile-tuabatliri we Dost-buraderlirige Janabiy Alladin sewre-taqet we salametlik tileymiz.

Sherqitürkistan milliy herkitining asasliq rehberlirining biri, herbiy qomandan Mehmet Rizabékin janapliri qelbimizde menggü hayat!

Sherqiy Türkistan Jumhuriyiti Sürgündiki Hökümiti

17.Fewral 2010

Mittwoch, 10. Februar 2010

NATO-Todeslisten für Afghanistan - KSK schaltet gezielt Taliban-Führer aus

HAMBURG, 10. Februar (AFP) - Die NATO-Truppen in Afghanistan benutzen einem Bericht des "Stern" zufolge angeblich "geheime Todeslisten" im Kampf gegen die Taliban, um deren Kommandeure auf hoher und mittlerer Ebene aufzuspüren, gefangen zu nehmen oder zu töten. Wie das Hamburger Magazin am Mittwoch berichtete, ist an diesen Operationen neben amerikanischen Spezialeinheiten auch das Kommando Spezialkräfte (KSK) der Bundeswehr beteiligt.

Deutsche KSK-Kräfte schalten gezielt Taliban-Führer aus - Foto: ddp
Dem Bericht zufolge werden Personen auf diesen Listen in den Kategorien "c" und "c/k" geführt - "c" stehe für "capture" (festnehmen), "k" für "kill" (töten). Dokumente und Aussagen von Beteiligten belegen dem Magazin zufolge die Existenz dieser Listen und ihre Verwendung in Afghanistan.

Oberst Klein vor Untersuchungsausschuss

Die Bundeswehr trägt demnach angeblich nur Zielpersonen in die Liste ein, die gefangen genommen werden sollen. Die Informationen seien aber auch NATO-Partnern zugänglich, deren Spezialeinheiten gezielt töteten.

Im Einsatzführungskommando in Potsdam werde darüber entschieden, wen die Deutschen auf so genannte JPEL-Listen (Joint Priority Effects List/Gemeinsame Wirkungsvorrangliste) setzen. Die endgültige Genehmigung erteilt dann das Hauptquartier der Internationalen Afghanistantruppe (ISAF) in Kabul, wie das Magazin weiter berichtet.

Dem "Stern" zufolge benutzen amerikanische Special Operations Forces (SOF) den deutschen Stützpunkt in Masar-i-Scharif für ihren Einsatz. Die Stationierung von 300 US-Elitekämpfern sei vom Pentagon Anfang August 2009 beantragt worden, ohne dass der damalige Verteidigungsminister Franz Josef Jung (CDU) und das Bundeskanzleramt darüber informiert worden seien. Erst nach dem vom deutschen Oberst Georg Klein angeordneten Bombardement am 4. September, bei dem viele Zivilisten starben, wurden die politisch Verantwortlichen in Berlin demnach aufgeklärt.

Nach Recherchen des "Stern" hatte Oberst Klein bereits neun Tage vor dem Bombardement von Kundus einen Luftangriff auf Personen befohlen, obwohl ein amerikanischer Pilot vor zivilen Opfern gewarnt hatte. Oberst Klein ist am Mittwoch als Zeuge vor dem Untersuchungsausschuss des Bundestages zur Kundus-Affäre geladen.

Wie das Magazin weiter berichtete, war das KSK an dem Luftangriff vom 4. September maßgeblich beteiligt. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt bereitete das KSK demnach eine Operation gegen den Taliban-Führer Maulawi Schamsuddin vor; einer seiner Untergebenen sollte in jener Nacht beim Bombenabwurf auf zwei Tanklaster getötet werden.

Sonntag, 7. Februar 2010

Basın Bildirisi / Press Release
5-8 Şubat 2010
4-6 Şubat 1997’de Gulca’da Halkın Üzerine Ateş Açan


4 Şubat 1997 tarihinde Doğu Türkistan’ın Kazakistan sınırındaki Gulca vilayetinde, Müslümanlar için kutsal bir gün olan Kadir Gecesi’nde dini ibadet ve Kuran okumak için bir evde toplanan Doğu Türkistanlı kadınların Çinli polislerce yapılan baskın sonucunda evden dışarı çıkarılması ile karşı koyan kadınlara ateş açması sonucu başlayan olay Doğu Türkistan geneline yayılarak adeta bağımsızllık ve özgürlük hareketine dönüşmüş ancak silahsız yüzlerce masum insan askeri birliklerce ateş açılarak öldürülmüşlerdir.
4 Şubat olayından sonra tutuklamalar başlamış ve evlerden toplanan gençlerin çoğu gayri sıhhi şartlarda uzun sureli gözaltına alınmış, bir kısmı hapsedilmiş, bir kısmı ise güya güvenlik güçlerinden kaçmaya çalışırken ateş açılarak öldürülmüşlerdir.
Bırakın “inanç ve ibadet özgürlüğü”nü bir tarafa, insanların en doğal hakkı olan yaşama hakkını elinden alan Çin Hükümeti’nin; Dünya Af Örgütü ve Uluslararası İnsan Hakları örgütü tarafından sabıkalı ilan edilirken gün yüzüne çıkan olaylara, en son 2009 yılı 5 Temmuz’unda yüzlerce masum gencin ölümüyle sonuçlanan Urumçi’de yaşanan acı hadiselere rağmen kendisini haklı ve terör mağduru gibi göstermeye çalışması oldukça düşündürücü ve komiktir.
Dünya üzerinde bir Çin istilasından çekinen bazı devletler, Pekin’den ekonomik destek ve kredi alan bazı ülkeler maalesef bu 1.5 milyarlık dev kütle karşısında seyirci kaldıkları, insan hakları ihlalleri karşısında duyarsız oldukları görülmektedir.
1949 yılından bu yana Çin işgali altında insanca yaşama mücadelesi veren ve sadece milli ve dini kimliklerini korumak üzere kendini savunmaya çalışan Doğu Türkistanlıların yanında yer alarak Pekin Hükümeti’ne bölgede yapılan zulüm ve haksızlıkları durdurması ve insani temel haklarının iadesi için Doğu Türkistan Sürgün Hükümeti olarak Avrupa Birliği Parlametosu’nu, İslam Ülkeleri Konferansı Örgütü’nü ve diğer uluslararası kurumları, Pekin Hükümeti’ne ultimatom vermeye davet ediyoruz.
Ayrıca; Pekin Hükümeti’nin bölgede daha sağlıklı bir ortam oluşturması noktasında Ankara Hükümeti’nin de gözlemci sıfatıyla devreye girmesini temenni ettiğimizi kamuoyu ile paylaşmak istiyoruz.

Doğu Türkistan Cumhuriyeti Sürgün Hükümeti

Basbakan: İsmail Cengiz

E-Mail: Faks:0212.558 27 09

Samstag, 6. Februar 2010

“Sherqiy Türkistan We Milliy Musteqilliq” Digen Kitap Neshir Qilindi

“Sherqiy Türkistan We Milliy Musteqilliq” digen Kitap Türkiyediki “Sherqiy Türkistan Hemkarlliq jemiyiti” teripidin neshir qilinip, 2010-yili 1-Ayda kitabxanlar bilen yüz körüshti. Bu Kitab 429 betlik bolup, kitabqa Sherqiy Türkistan Jumhuriyiti Sürgündiki Hökümitining Prézidénti Ahmet Igemberdining bir qisim ilmiy we Edebiy eserliri, uning siyasiy hayati we ijadiyiti heqqidiki ilmiy mulahiziler, uning her türlük yighin we paaliyetlerde sözligen notuqliri, u yitekchilik qilghan paaliyetler heqqide her türlük metbuatlarda élan qilinghan bir qisim muhim xewerler, uning tarixiy qimmiti yoquri eslimiliri, Sherqiy Türkistan tarixidiki muhim xatire künlerde teshkilat yaki shexsiy namda élan qilghan bayanatlar, milliy herket sépimizdiki gholluq shexisler bilen yézishqan xet-chekliri, Gheriptiki démokirattik döletlerning yoquri derijilik rehberlirige élan qilghan ochuq xetliri qatarliq 100 parchidin artuq eser kirgüzülgen bolup, bu kitab arqiliq Sherqiy Türkistan Jumhuriyiti Xitay mustemlikisige chüshüp qalghan 60 yildin bériqi weten ichi we siritidiki milliy herkitimizning alahiyidiliki, tereqqiyat jeryani, bésip ötken egri toqay, japaliq we aghriq azabigha tolghan kartinisini köriwalghili bolidu.

Kitapbqa kirgüzülgen maqalalerning ichide “Dölet erbabi we pishiqedem mujahit Abdureup mexsum” (282-bet), “Amérika Qoshma Shitatliri Pirézidénti Jurj Walker Bush Janaplirigha”(190-bet) “Sherqiy Türkistan(Uyghuristan) Milliy Qurultiyigha”(174-bet), “Milliy rehbirimiz Ehmet Igemberdining Siyasiy Hayati We Ijadiyiti Heqqide Qisqiche Bayan” (11-bet), “Weten Heqqide Qeside” (64-bet), “Xelqara Sherqiy Türkistan Milliy Merkizi Reyisi Hörmetlik M. Riza Bekin Janablirigha” (146-bet), “ “Sultan Mehmut Qeshqirining ´Sherqiy Türkistan Xelqining Musteqilliq Kürishi We Uning Kélichigi´ namliq kitabi Heqqide” (228-bet) “Uyghurlarning Xelqara Itippaq Reyisi Qehriman Ghujamberdige” (84-bet), “Qedirlik Dostum Sabit Abduraxman” (144-bet), “Ulugh alim Muratbeg Kérim Oghli Hemrayiw” (368-bet), we “Nazugum Fondi” ning reyisi Dilbirim Samsaquwaning Wapatigha” (178-bet) qatarliq eserler bar.

Bu Kitabni Sherqiy Türkistan Jumhuriyiti Sürgündiki Hökümiti Medeniyet we Teshwiqat ministérligi neshirge teyyarlighan bolup, bu arqiliq Weten asminini qarangghuluq we zulmet qaplighan 60 yildin béri Xitay tajawuzchilliri dölet térorini ishqa sélip, erkinlik we hürriyet üchün küresh qiliwatqan Sherqiy Türkistan xelqige qaritilghan milliy zulumni barghanche éghirlashturup bériwatqan bolsimu, batur, eqil parasetlik Sherqiy Türkistan xelqiining heq-adalet we milliy musteqilliq yolidin hergiz waz kechmeydighanliqini, kéyinki ewlatlargha tarixiy riyalliq asasida yarqin körsütüp bérishni asasiy meqset qilidu.

Kitabqa ihtiyajliq bolghan shexis we orunlarning Muripasa Mah. 10. Sokak No: 11/ A Zeytinburnu-Istanbul- diki “Dogu Türkistan Dayanisma Dernegi” bilen alaqilishishini ümid qilimiz .

Sherqiy Türkistan Jumhuriyiti Sürgündiki Hökümiti Medeniyet we Teshwiqat Ménistirliki
06.02.2010 Istanbul/Türkiye